Today, let me take you to a magic place in Rhodes… It’s a place that will remind you a fairytale because as soon as you get there, you are going to think that you will see fairies elfs, and other magic creatures just around the…. (not corner but) next tree. Yeah, exactly as you thought today we are gonna meet a landscape.
The Seven Springs is a valley in which runs gurgling water from the springs. The place is all covered by huge trees, platans and pines and it is located on the road to the village of Archipolis 2-3 km before the church of St. Nektarios. The seven bubbling springs generate water all year long, culminating in a small man-made lake that provides a natural habitat to tortoises, eels, crabs and a rare fish species called gizani that lives exclusively in the creeks of Rhodes.
We don’t have many words to describe the nature you’re going to meet when you get there. You see it’s a God’s gift to mankind so the only way to realize it’s importance is to go there by yourself. It’s a wonderfull place to have your pic-nic and relax while listening to the sound of water, birds and other sounds that creatures living there make. The place also has many little rustic bridges and rivers, numerous footpaths and the area is known for the geese, ducks and peacocks wandering through the woods.
Don’t miss the chance to stand in front of the waterfall and feel the spirit of nature burning inside of you. And for our friends that got tired already, there is a restaurant there, to relax, drink your coffee, eat whatever you want to, and smell an air you cannot find in the ”dirty” city for no reason. If i haven’t convinced you yet, the pictures below definetely will. So take a look and I’m sure after that you re gonna book your ticket to Rhodes that instant.